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This is a sample of the comparative religion course from the Universal Life Church. Our online seminary program offers courses in a variety of subjects. This ULC course on Comparative Religion is a college-level course in which you will learn an amazing amount about religion. After ordering this course, you will receive an email in your mail box containing this week's work. A firm grounding in comparative religion allows an individual to perceive the truth that is within all traditions. As ministers, we need to respond to those we are called to scope of comparative religion youtube ufo. Individuals come to us from many walks of life, many cultures and religious backgrounds. It is important that we have a framework and information to draw upon so that we can be of the most help. We need to communicate with those who come to us for guidance within a context they can understand. We, as human beings, have a tendency to address everything from our own perspective and assume that those we talk to understand our words as we mean them. We all have had experiences where this has backfired. It is imperative that as ministers, we make every effort to communicate from the perspective of those we serve. We also, as ministers, need to serve all ages. How we put things to a five-year-old is just as important as scope of comparative religion youtube ufo we communicate with an adult. We need to develop techniques that inspire and expand the minds and hearts of children and adults. It is a wise minister who ensures a holistic approach, culturally and religiously, in all of their scope of comparative religion youtube ufo. In this way do we serve the broadest spectrum of humanity…touch the most hearts…and do our part in eliminating the prejudices and bigotry that come from limited understanding. ULC is offering this comparative religion course. It is informational and experiential. Techniques are offered on methods of teaching World Religions to children as well as adults. The course examines the predominant religions of both East and West. Other, less dominant belief systems, such as Native American and Wicca, will also be touched upon.

List of UFO religions - WikiVisually
Master of Comparative Religion
An Initiatory Journey – Jeffrey Kripal’s “Comparing Religions” (Part 1)